Monday, May 30, 2011

The Final Countdown

I know its been awhile guys and for that I apologize. Things have been crazy busy in our neck of the woods as we prepare for the final countdown. So what have we been up to? Well, my biggest boy had his last day of preschool and his "graduation," even though he is returning for another year before kindergarten. It was absolutely precious too. Each of the preschoolers made little graduation caps and those who were returning wore pink (because its his teacher's favorite color). Those making the leap into kindergarten wore black. I have to admit, my boy looked awful handsome in pink, don't you think?

that is his best friend in the whole world - Ben
We've also been spending tons of time with our boys since its the last time we will ever be a family of four. That sounds crazy to think that in just a short time we are going to be a family of five. And our big boys are going to be big brothers to boot - Riley for the second time and Hayden for the first. Craziness.

nothing like some ice cold chocolate milk after a good play at the park
getting the stink eye for taking his picture - haha
I should probably let you all know what's going on in terms of the baby, right? I haven't updated since there was the possibility I had developed cholestasis of pregnancy, but thankfully those labs came back fine. That meant Lukas got to bake for a wee bit longer. That means our precious boy is going to be here in....are you ready for it?.....4 days. Can I get a YIKES? We are quite literally in the final stretch and its both scary and exciting all at the same time. Its a terribly bittersweet time for me. On one hand I look forward so much to seeing my third little boy enter this world. I look forward to seeing his perfect face and touching his soft skin. I look forward to having him here and touching and kissing on him anytime I want. Then there is the other part of me. While I am so ready to have my boy here with us, I am totally not ready for what comes next because I know that's the hard part. I know that's when things are really going to get tough. That fear of the unknown really gets to me. Its amazing how this experience can be so much the same, yet so different at the same time. I know we will make it through though. I know somewhere in the abyss I will muster the strength and courage to work through it all and work to get my little boy's heart as healthy as it can be. I have faith in it all and that's what carries me through. We will get through this and we will be better and stronger for it. I just know it.

So this week is busy busy busy as we prepare everything to the best of our ability for the big day. Friday is right around the corner and I feel like I have a ton of stuff left to do. We are finishing up some last minute home projects, getting bags packed, and getting all of our plans and affairs in order. Tomorrow is the last NST I will ever have and the last time I will visit University Hospital until we welcome our beautiful boy. Just 4 more days. The time has really flown and I cannot believe this chapter of our lives is closing and a new one is about to begin. My c-section is scheduled for 1pm, but Jonathan and I are due in the OBICU at 11am to begin to process and get the ball rolling. Eeek! If you can spare a prayer or two, please pray for our family as the week draws to a close and we welcome our beautiful Lukas! 

P.S. - Happy birthday to my Daddy-o today - love you Papa Bear =)
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  1. So exciting. I was beginning to wonder. Glad there were no other complications. Heart surgery is scary, but now my boy is so normal (Ie throwing fits and ripping off his glasses) that I forget all about how that happened to him! Prayers for you guys and Lukas!

  2. Good luck! Big prayers and hugs to you all this Friday!


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