In any event, back to the appointment. Lukas is still weighing in a 7lbs 1oz. This was his discharge weight, which means he has not gained anything since his discharge on the 29th. His height has increased to 21.25", which is up from his birth height of 19.75". Good news. As of right now he is in the 5th percentile for weight and 50% for height. He's just a peanut, but Dr. McAteer was not overly concerned. Lukas currently gets 24 cal fortified breastmilk in his bottle. So we are double checking his weight gain next week and then if there is little to not change we will up the density of his feeds. We just need to find that perfect balance. So we get to see Dr. M next week too! Woo hoo!
These next two weeks are going to be busy for sure. We have our annual family picnic on Sunday, a weight check for Lukas next week, my 6-week postpartum check up, and then Lukas' follow up appointment with Dr. Turrentine on the 20th.
For those of you who are anxious to read it, I am working on Lukas' birth story. I actually have it written up and I just need to add the corresponding photos from my camera. I'm sure it will be emotional, so bear with me! I promise it will be up within the next day or so. I cried like a baby writing everything out. Its still so fresh and yet Lukas has come so very far. So watch for that soon guys! The pictures are amazing. They are probably my favorite part. I think they could tell the story themselves =)
Happy Thursday friends!
With 2 pre-schoolers and a newborn you must be busy beyond belief. Having said that I must tell you that I am so glad you are able to carve out enough time to keep us readers informed. I am sure I speak for most of us when I say that we appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing.