Yikes, I haven't posted since August 15th. I realize most of you probably think I'm neglecting the blog, but I promise I'm not. It's been a busy past few weeks with lots of appointments, soccer practices, soccer games, and coming and going from schools (aka a whole lot of running and gunning). I'm working on a big, lengthy, picture filled post telling you all about the happenings in the past (almost) month. But tonight I come to you asking you for your help.
Your prayers worked miracles for our own little heart warrior. I have zero doubt that our boy pulled through because people the world over were thinking of him, sending him positive energy, and praying hard for him. Tonight I ask you to turn those prayers towards a fellow heart family. Alexis Griffith gave birth to a sweet little HLHS'er named Scarlet Marie on June 15th. She's been through a lot in her life thus far and is fighting harder than any little baby ever should.
sweet little Scarlet fighting hard (borrowed from her mama's Facebook page) |
I am going to share this message with you all from her mama because it explains why they need your prayers and thoughts better than I ever could.
"Tears in our eyes and desperation in our hearts, We need everyones help.. scarlets heart is failing faster then the Drs thought, she cant be taken off the vent and theyve said our best option is too send out a media plea for someone to donate a heart, if you have ANY way to get in touch with the media please let me know im typing up an email to send to all media stations, send me your email and ill forward it to you, please... Im begging on bended knees."
A Facebook page was created to help spread the word about Scarlet's dire condition and need for a heart transplant fast. Please "like" her page and share it with your friends on Facebook. If you would like to read more about this family, please visit their family's blog Waiting for Baby.
I cannot tell you how much my heart is aching for them. We were so immensely blessed that our little miracle pulled through his struggle and that things happened as they did. No parent should have to go through this. No parent should watch their child struggle to stay alive before they have even had a chance to live life.
So friends, with a heavy heart tonight I wish you all a happy almost Friday. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. Spread the word if you can so others can keep sweet Scarlet in their prayers as well.
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