At 4am, Lukas had other plans. He got a full bottle of milk and sucked it dry within minutes. I walked back into his room when I heard him start crying. As I walked through his door, he was sitting up. The moment he saw me he outstretched those little arms as if to say "please pick me up, mama." And so I did.
I rocked my boy for over an hour. I rocked him while he laid his sweet, crazy baby-haired head on my chest. I covered us up with the blanket I crocheted while he was still nestled within. Even though I was tired, I soaked it in. I know moments like those will become fewer and far between as time passes, so I will take it where I can get it.
This morning we woke up to tiny feet running across the floors and a giggling boy in his crib. I could hear Riley and Hayden in Lukas' room - playing with one of his toys. Lukas was just laughing and laughing. He loves Riley and Hayden. No one can make him smile and laugh like those two crazy boys can.
Breakfast is pretty much the first item on our agenda every morning. Lukas gets a bottle and whatever else we're making that I think he can easily consume. Riley and Hayden usually want one of two things - chocolate chip waffles or pancakes. No lie. Every morning its one or the other. Some mornings they also try their luck at getting a glass of sweet tea. We opt for milk instead. This morning though, they wanted white powdered donuts.
And since no one likes to be photographed while they are eating, especially with food on their face, I got a boat load of dirty looks.
And since no one likes to be photographed while they are eating, especially with food on their face, I got a boat load of dirty looks.
Oh, and see that scar on Riley's forehead? The Harry Potter-ish one? That happened at the end of January. First thing (and I literally mean first thing) in the morning I hear a thud and I hear Riley start screaming. He ran into our room with his hand over his head and blood streaming between his fingers. I asked him to move his hand so I could see and I was horrified by what I saw. He had a hole. A gaping hole. And it was bleeding profusely. In a split second I was screaming at Jonathan who immediately jumped out of bed and got the boys buckled into the car. I held a towel over Riley's head the entire ride to the ER, which took about 10-minutes. Everyone was still in their pajamas and Riley didn't even have shoes on. To make a long story short, Riley ended up with 9 stitches. Later he told me he tripped over a spaceship in his room immediately after he got out of bed and he fell and hit his toy box. Needless to say his room is now picked up and his toys put in their proper "home" before his head hits his pillow each night.
Lukas loves those strawberry flavored puffs.
He likes to eat them, but he enjoys playing with the container even more. He shakes it like a maraca and just smiles. Sometimes the lid comes off when he plays with it and puffs go flying with each subsequent shake. Evidence of this can be found in the puff covered carpet. Lukas thinks it hilarious and we all know laughter is good for the soul, so I laugh right along with him (and then vacuum up the mess later).
Told you, boy needs a haircut. Bad.
Oh, and Lukas loves his paci. Neither of the boys ever really cared about them. They took a pacifier for maybe a month and then quickly moved on. It wasn't comforting or soothing to them at all. Not Lukas though.
When he gets angry he does these really big, deep, angry sucks. If he wakes up you can generally calm him quickly by just simply handing him his pacifier. Don't try to put it in his mouth though - he likes to do that himself.
You see that? I actually got Hayden to semi-smile. Its more like a smirk, but I normally can't get him to stay still long enough to take a photo to save my life. He's got those deep brown eyes like his Daddy. And that smile, on the rare occasion I can actually capture it, just makes my big mama heart do a little jig.
With that, I wish you all a Happy Hump Day. Hope your week has been bright and happy.
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