As you all know, Tuesday was my final appointment with my beloved OB, Dr. Bemenderfer. I was really bummed to learn that she was actually on vacation this week, so I saw a nurse practitioner instead. Overall the appointment went well and was somewhat uneventful. Blood pressure looked good and all that jazz. I filled out the paperwork to have my files transferred to Dr. Schubert's office and that was that. It was with a lot of sadness that I walked out those doors that final time in my pregnant state. I know I can always see Dr. Bemenderfer for my "girly" issues, but I loved her being my OB with my son. She did such a great job with my delivery and I was so very excited to get to share that experience with her again. This go round just wasn't meant to be and I have accepted that as part of this journey.
Yesterday was a bit more eventful though. I went to pick up an order from Best Buy after I dropped Riley off at school and to make a long story short, I fell rather hard. I was getting Hayden out of the carseat and stepped backwards onto a bottle or some piece of slippery trash that rolled under my foot (it was extremely windy yesterday) and my foot came out from underneath me. I had Hayden in my arms and I absolutely refused to drop him onto the concrete, which meant I took the full brunt of the fall on my hip and part of my belly. As a precaution I called to let the doctor know what had happened and they immediately wanted me to go in for monitoring, as they said anytime you fall after 23 weeks they want you checked out just to be on the safe side. So I went to labor and delivery for the first time this pregnancy and I am a little ashamed to admit something. The cries of the babies and the celebrations in that ward got to me a little bit. I started getting teary eyed thinking in just a few months that won't be my reality. That's not to say I wasn't happy for those moms and dads and for those beautiful, happy babies that just entered this world kicking and screaming. But, I was kind of happy to be escorted to the little nook that is triage away from the hustle and bustle of the maternity suites. All in all, I was strapped to the monitors for 4-hours. During that time Lukas was moving all around. They had trouble keeping up with him because he just plain didn't like that monitor being on him. I also have some uterine irritability, which I figured I would seeing as I had it with both of the boys. I had some contractions, but they all figured I was safe to go home. So home I went.
Today I have spent painting and cleaning the nursery space, much to the dismay of my mother and husband. I actually set out to only get started on the painting and ended up doing the whole things - whoops. We are heading to get the crib tomorrow and some new beds for our big boys too. So Jonathan's parents ever so graciously offered to watch the boys while we did our thing. I am also planning on getting the dresser for Lukas sanded down tomorrow to start the processing of staining and painting it, which I must admit I am way excited about. I have been itching to do it all winter and it looks like the weather might finally cooperate long enough for me to do so.
Other than that, I am doing okay. Just trying to take it a day at a time and let everything sink in. I am to the point now where I have accepted it for what it is. There is no sense in me upsetting myself over things I cannot change. So I am in the mindset now that I need to make the best of it and try to enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy while I can. I know there will be rough times ahead, so I need to save my strength for those intense, emotional moments. A great big bear hug and a thank you to everyone who has checked on me over the past week or so. Love you each so much!
I apologize for the lack of pictures in those post, but there are some great ones coming tomorrow. Think nursery, belly shot, the works =)
Keep on prayin' my friends and have a safe and beautiful weekend!
Hi Christie,
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't mind me following your blog, I found it on the babycenter blog after looking for other mom's who have children with TA. Even though my daughter is 4 months, I am still conquering the part you discuss about acceptance, you see we did not know before her birth she had TA so it's rather new to me. Helping me accept what life has handed us is just knowing that medicine is so advanced right now and continuing to evolve-our God is helping our doctors give these kids the best lives ever! Looking towards God and knowing that medicine is miraculous, and my daughter will be OK takes away a lot of anxiety.
I hope you do have a jubilant delivery, I actually nursed Audrina as we did not find out until she was 3 days old about her CHD. My husband and I have already decided if we do happen to have another child with TA we will not let them take that away from us. I guess it all depends on how your child is at birth, but Audrina's health was awesome even after 26 grueling hours of natural labor followed by a c-section.
You would honestly never know that she has a CHD, she is SO full of energy.
well got to run, baby's calling:)
Heart hugs,