Monday, April 18, 2011

NST Numero Uno.

My very first NST was this morning and it was somewhat interesting. Little Lukas was apparently quite sleepy because my strip was considered "non-reactive." Basically it just means he was not moving to the doctor's satisfaction. Luckily for me, I had an ultrasound already scheduled. Rather than doing a normal ultrasound though, they just decided to make it a biophysical profile. Lukas didn't cooperate for awhile, but eventually perked up enough to pass his BPP with flying colors. I also got to visit with Dr. Schubert since he was on vacation during my last appointment on the 5th. We discussed this terribly tender spot on my abdomen, which lucky me turns out to be a separated muscle. Unfortunately, that also means there isn't much I can do about it but suffer through it. Oh well. It's all for the greater good anyway =)

Other than that my appointment was relatively unproductive. I will have another NST Thursday and hopefully little Lukas will be a bit more cooperative so another BPP won't be necessary. Its going to be busy next two weeks. Another appointment Thursday, then another NST next Monday, meeting with Dr. Turrentine and final fetal echo on the 27th, then a second NST, growth ultrasound, and appointment the 29th (which just happens to be the royal wedding day too). Oh and I almost forgot to mention we will likely have a delivery date and time within the next two weeks or so. Yikes!!

I have to share one more little thing with you all before I go. First, thank you for being so patient with me while I wasn't feeling well. Still not feeling the greatest, but I'm working on it. Secondly, I got to visit with my brother and sis-in-law yesterday. They stopped by to bring a present for Lukas. When I opened it I nearly burst into tears. It was a little teddy bear wearing an extra special t-shirt and a matching onesie for little Lukas. Mandi (my sis-in-law) said that the nurses recommended little stuffed animals and such for his isolette in the NICU and following his operation. This was just the perfect fit and I love it. So thank you Rich and Mandi! Its perfect beyond words.


Thanks for thinking of me and little Lukas while I wasn't feeling good friends. I hope you all had a wonderful Monday and got to suck in some of the springness we are experiencing here in Indy. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our littlest Lukas too. I cannot wait to share with him some day all of your amazing thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. See you soon friends (promise)!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad things went well at your appointment. Praying for you!


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