Thursday, August 4, 2011

Heart of a Fighter.

That's what our boy has. The heart of a fighter. Our boy went for his 2 month check up today (p.s. - can you believe he's two months old already?) and it went so good. Lukas weighed in at 7lbs 8oz on July 20th at his one month post-op check up. Today he was....are you ready for it? 9lbs 5.5oz!!! That's a huge jump for him. I mean huge. Sweet Dr. McAteer was blown away by him. We talked about his incision revision and its healing progress and then we talked about the Synagis injections to protect Lukas from RVS. Due to his congential heart disease, Lukas is a candidate for them. This is a big deal for a number of reasons, but most importantly because he is a candidate our insurance will pay for the injections each month. He will receive 1 dose every month during RSV season. Without coverage, these injections can run $1500-$2500 per dose. Not for all of them. That's the cost for one dosage for one month. It's crazy. So Dr. McAteer got that paperwork started so that by the time RSV season rolls around we can get him dosed and (hopefully) protected. 

The downside of today's appointment was the start of Lukas' vaccination schedule. Since he was a heart baby and was being monitored in the NICU prior to heart surgery they waited to give his first dose of the Hep B vaccine. Just to avoid any potential reactions that could create additional stress. That kind of thing. In any event, Dr. Turrentine wanted Lukas' vaccinations to be started at 2 months. So today was the day and it was literally the saddest thing ever. You see Lukas has this incredibly sweet, cute, pitiful little cry where you just can't help but go "awww." He received 3 vaccinations and an oral dose for Rotavirus. The action needle sticks were so sad. He got the big pouty lip and did those silent cries where they turn red and make the crying face, but no actual sound comes out. Yeah, those cries accompanied by baby tears. Someone please rip my heart out now. I immediately scooped my sweet boy up afterward and just held him tight and he quieted right down. Such a little warrior. He amazes me. With everything he's endured he is still the sweetest, gentlest, most incredible little boy. He's got the heart of a fighter through and through.

And for good measure, here's my little man (with his "man sized band-aid as Dr. Turrentine calls them) putting his dukes up UFC style. I think he was trying to tell me he'd beat that nurse up if she came near him with those needles. Guess she lucked out =)

the heart of a fighter - taken on mommy's cell phone
 Happy almost weekend friends! 

P.S. - my sweet friend Kristine is hosting an online auction via Facebook for Operation Healing Hearts, which helps fund life saving operations in Iraq for children suffering from congenital heart defects. These little guys and dolls need all the support in the world just to survive. If you'd like to help this cause hop on Facebook and "like" the Have a Heart: Auction for Operation Healing Hearts page and bid on some of the items donated (our family donated a few items as well to support this awesome cause). Bidding begins tomorrow and ends August 8th!
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  1. Awww, Christie, he is so cute and I am so happy to hear how well he is doing. I don't know why I got so caught up in your story but I did. I must say I love a happy ending.

  2. LOVE to hear that he's doing so good!!


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