As you remember Lukas had his incision "revised" about two weeks ago because of his reaction to the dissolvable sutures under his skin from his operation on June 20th. It was a nasty looking thing at first, but day by day we saw it improving drastically. We saw Dr. Turrentine and his nurse practitioner on July 27th for an incision check. He told me it would be a pretty informal thing and that he just wanted to make sure it was healing properly. He said to just go up to the Heart Center around 10am and ask for him to be paged. When the day rolled around we made our way up to the Heart Center and I think the unit secretary thought I was a nutcase asking for Dr. Turrentine to be paged on my behalf. But she replied with my request and a few minutes later the man himself was on the phone. He asked the unit secretary to call his nurse practitioner and have her see him as well, as he was still in his office preparing for his morning case in the operating room.. So she paged her and a few moments later we were greeted by the NP. All of the rooms in the Heart Center were full so she took us over to the cath lab pre/post-operative rooms and got Lukas a little crib so she could examine him. She took a gander and said it was looking much improved. There was one tiny spot that she fiddled with, which got Lukas good and worked up. She handed him back over and I fed him to calm him down. He finally fell asleep and got settled in when Dr. Turrentine came in. He pulled his shirt down and said he was very happy with the progress of the incision. He said it was so angry before that he just wanted to make sure removing the dissolvable sutures would do the trick. And it did, thank goodness.
In the meantime we have been working on some home projects. You see, I am creating a medical binder to keep in our car for Lukas that has all of his medical history, his diagnosis, contact information for Jonathan and I, information on his current medication and dosages, a copy of our insurance card, and his doctor's contact information among other things. Just in case we were ever in an accident and I was unable to communicate this information everything would be right there for them. And its just a good thing to have on hand. I wanted something to keep the binder in and a little place to keep odds and ends like extra diapers, wipes, outfits, etc. (other than the diaper bag of course). This way we could simply give the bag to whomever is watching him when I get over my phobia of letting other people babysit him, but we aren't there just yet. Back to the point to address that need I bought a cheap-o $2 large canvas tote bag at Michael's and made this:
I love it! Its so perfect and its nice and roomy. I love the vintage heart diagram too. Very fitting for my little heart warrior, right? I've seen a dozen or so tutorials for transferring the image onto the fabric and I was mighty nervous that it would bleed or look terrible, but I think it turned out pretty good. What do you all think? I'm a sucker for a good tote bag and this just might be my favorite yet!
Still working on the CHD awareness calendar. I just have to say I received so many photos and stories of these amazing kiddos and its touched my heart so much. These kids are so incredibly amazing and this has been such an heart warming project to to work on. These little ones deserve so much and I can't wait to share their beautiful faces with everyone. Their parents have been so amazing in allowing me to do this project as well. So to all those heart mamas who sent me pictures of their little warriors - THANK YOU! Stay tuned for the finished product. I'm super excited about it =)
Happy Tuesday friends!
Hey miss Chriss I love that bag ,its perfect for lukas. The boys were perfect yesterday, I already miss them! I love to watch them interact with Lukas and I'm happy that he will have two amazing big brothers to protect and love him as they all grow together. If you ever need someone to watch them I'll try to help you. I really love to watch them. I'll watch lukas over here with my grandma (aunt lou)if we're both here, and if you really need me to and my mom is becoming more available and if she is she would probably watch allthree with me. I just want you to know that you have someone to fall back on if you need help.
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear that Lukas is doing well, Christie. I've been thinking of you lots. Love the tote bag, very creative and it's perfect for what you need it for!