Thursday, June 23, 2011

That Darn Breathing Tube.

Our poor Lukas did not get extubated yesterday, unfortunately. Since his sternum was closed up the day before they decided to do the weaning yesterday rather than trying to rapidly wean him and extubate him the same day. It just places less stress on him and makes the process a bit easier. I was a little sad though. I really wanted to get him extubated so I could hear him again. I miss hearing his cry so much and yesterday he was just breaking my heart. 

First he yawned. Less than 5 seconds afterward you saw his face tense up and he made the face like he wanted to cry. He had tears streaming down his face, but there was no sound. It was so hard to watch. He was given an extra dose of Fentanyl to try to ease the discomfort and pain, but it didn't really seem to help him much. He barely slept at all yesterday and he just seemed so terribly uncomfortable and upset. It absolutely broke my heart for him. I know today they are planning on turning off his Fentanyl drip and only giving pain medication to him as needed. I know that's part of the plan, but the idea of him being in pain just sends me into an emotional tailspin. I just have to keep telling myself its all part of him getting better. Last evening they actually gave him a medication that does not control pain, but it actually induces the same brain waves that are created when we are sleeping. It is just to help keep him calm so he did not get upset quite as often and cause him to be uncomfortable.

a little dark (Jonathan took this from his phone), but this is the start of his "angry" facial expressions - the stink eye
They started feeds on him yesterday through his NG tube as well. It was a continuous amount rather than a set number every few hours. It was actually somewhat interesting because the breastmilk was drawn up in a syringe and it was placed on an IV pump that went directly into his NG tube. Unfortunately the feeds were discontinued last evening as it was upsetting his stomach (causing more episodes of him getting upset) and giving him gas. Plus, he has to be NPO (nothing by mouth) for several hours before his extubation as well. Its just another stepping stone for him. If the extubation goes well today then they will resume the NG feeds, starting very slowly and in small amounts of course. 

So for now we wait. The team of intensivists should be rounding here in the next few minutes and we will know the detailed plan for the day. Let's get that breathing tube out buddy! Pray for a good day for our little fella and that we can get him off the ventilator and working towards getting home!

Happy Thursday friends!
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  1. I caught up on the latest posts about Lukas' surgery and triumphs. Praying that his vent is removed and he continues to get well. Praying for comfort for your newest sweetheart.

  2. Ahh, sweet baby boy. Always breaks my heart seeing them like that after heart surgery. Praying for Lukas and all of you! Hang in there. I know it is hard seeing them with the vent in and crying with no sound coming out. All you want to do is pick them up and hold them but you can't. {{{HUG}}} It will get better. I promise and before long the tube will be out and that sweet precious boy will be in your arms.

  3. I know the vent can be a tough one, more so emotionally for you than anything else. Continued prayers for smoother days ahead and that the vent comes out soon! Thinking of you all =) Heart hugs!!

  4. Reading your blog brings back painful memories. Not hearing them cry was very painful for me as well, you will hear him soon enough though and you'll never take that for granted again. Will continue to pray for you guys.


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