Monday, August 8, 2011

Lazy Days.

Lazy days describes our weekend pretty perfectly. I wasn't feeling overly hot so we pretty much stayed indoors and lounged together. After the hectic past few weeks it was actually a welcome change. I was supposed to go to Chicago with my parents, but due to feeling under the weather I decided against it. Instead I spent some much needed time on the couch just snuggling my littlest love (my bigger loves are not so much into the snuggling anymore - insert sad face). I think we only left the house to get food and visit with my in-laws for a moment.

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We even had a visitor today. Jonathan's best friend Cory and his gorgeous little girl dropped in and hung out for awhile today. Riley and Hayden were running around outside like wild men while the adults and Cory's daughter sat, talked, and watched "How to Train Your Dragon." She loved our cats and she was so stinkin' cute with them. Cory said she's going to be a vet someday and by her interaction with Cameron and Chloe (our kitties), I believe it. It was nice to see them and visit with Cory. 

When the boys decided they were done spraying one another with the hose they brought their soaking wet bodies to the door and wanted to take a shower. Yes, we do showers around the Corwin household because they are so much easier and way less messy than a bath (aka no soaking wet floor). Hayden took a nap while Riley meandered around and ate a chocolate chip cookie. We had a 10-minute or so thunderstorm blow through and afterward we had some insanely bright sunshine coming through the windows. That means mama couldn't resist snatching up her camera and taking some photos of my big cookie faced boy. He's such a ham.

love that cookie faced boy
So even though it was a bit of a lazy weekend, it was perfect. Sometimes that down time is a much needed and welcome change from the day to day run and gun that we have become accustomed to. It was a perfect opportunity to sit back and marvel at all we have to be thankful for and all the miracles surrounding us. We got to love on our boys and take a minute to just be a normal family of five. And it rocked. We are so blessed in so many ways its unreal. Its been a tumultuous year for our family. I won't lie. Its been the wildest roller coaster I've ever ridden, but its been worth every second. I think we came out better and stronger as a family because of our miracle. We appreciate every second of the smiles and laughter (and sometimes the screams) that fill our household on a daily basis. Its a beautiful reminder of how different things could have been and how lucky we are they aren't. If this journey has taught us anything its to live for the good days and put the bad behind us. I'm not naive in thinking that bad days won't be in our future. I know they will be. But for now we live in the present. Things are good and that's just the way I like it. Its a good life; and we'll take it.

I hope you all had a beautiful, fulfilling weekend! I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bummed its now technically Monday. Can they make weekends last three days instead of two. Wouldn't that be awesome?
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1 comment:

  1. We do showers too. It is so much easier. We have a little assmebly line-my husband washes, I hand him the next kid and dry the first. My little miracle boy is sleeping right now. I wish I could take a nap too but I must go do all the laundry I didn't do when we were being lazy this weekend.


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